Piping Plovers are small, endangered shorebirds in Manitoba. Its call is described as a "plaintive peep-lo" which made it the perfect name for this blog as it too is a plaintive call, a Call to Action.

22 June 2010

Surprise! Surprise!

I started my shift at 4:30 AM today, did I mention I started at 4:30, with a quick check of the parking lot 5 nest. No bird to be found. I then walked over to the beach and feeding area. In the pre-dawn light I saw one chick near the water's edge and dad nestled on the beach keeping the other kids warm. When dad arose you could have knocked me over with a feather. There they were, not one, not two, but three chicks. Yes, your math is correct. That made four chicks. After scanning the beach and counting and recounting four chicks about a hundred times, I went back to the nest to confirm that the last egg had indeed hatched and that we hadn't somehow inherited an orphan during the night. At shift's end all four babies were doing well scurrying along the beach as fast as their little toothpick legs would take them. Stay tuned.