Piping Plovers are small, endangered shorebirds in Manitoba. Its call is described as a "plaintive peep-lo" which made it the perfect name for this blog as it too is a plaintive call, a Call to Action.
20 May 2002
Icebergs in May
Hard to believe its Victoria Day - the temperature is comfortable but the snow (and the icebergs!) are keeping it from getting really warm. There is finally sand showing at Grand Beach. There are eagles on the Bay at Grand Beach and gulls skittering along on the ice. We had a report of Plovers in Parking Lot # 5 at Grand Beach from a local resident, but they are playing hard-to-get for us. No sign of eggs yet either! The Grand Beach Park Staff have helped us erect enclosure fencing around a section of Parking Lot # 5 and in the blowout on the West Beach. These two locations have been used frequently by nesting plovers over the years, so we decided to protect enough of these locations in advance of the plovers' (and beach-users) arrival. We have also fenced off a larger area than usual in order to provide the plovers (and their chicks) with a protective buffer during the crucial nesting period.